Riverside, CA’s Trusted Nursery

Reliable Groundcover
Wholesale Plant Distributor
Are you looking to revamp your outdoor spaces? Do you need groundcover plants to add to your projects? Sunny Nursery is here to help you transform your ideas into reality! We are a wholesale grower nursery that offers healthy, beautiful groundcover plants. We have thyme, african daisies, ajugas, baccharis, dymondia, fragaria c., gazanias, hedera-ivy, ice plants, myoporums, lantanas, rosemary p, sedums, and a whole lot more. Our amazing selection has allowed us to become the go-to groundcover plant distributor in Riverside, CA and the surrounding areas since 1996. Partner with us today, and join our long list of satisfied clients!
Why Choose Our Nursery?
Visit Our Nursery Today!
The most gorgeous groundcover plants are waiting for you at Sunny Nursery. We dedicate acres upon acres of land for the growth and nourishment of various plant species. You are sure to find whatever it is you’re looking for right here! For more information about our business and the nursery services we offer, please feel free to get in touch with us via phone, fax, or email.